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PWOnline 1.3.6+
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Недавнее содержимое от Carina

  1. C

    Classic I Colony

    Hi there pista, I gave leadership over to another player, they may still be around, but quite a few of us have abandoned this server due to several reasons, one being that there are simply too many who don't understand english enough for us to get assistance. We have moved to another p.s. where...
  2. C

    Classic I Colony

    Please note that leadership has been transferred to Oortjies's other character, called AppleSnap. Oortjies or AppleSnap may be messaged to be invited to the guild. We are growing slowly but surely and already have a fun group of friends who play regularly. Players who play only weekends are...
  3. C

    Translation of game and Forum

    My friends and I have recently discovered this private server and really enjoy playing on this older version. There are some sections inside the game that have not been translated yet from russian yet that is giving us some trouble. Would you like us to maybe assist by sending screenshots to...