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Результаты поиска

  1. Dante

    Classic I RedAlert

    xD People, omg you are on the ENGLISH SECTION. Translate your shit to ENGLISH....here ill humor you for a second and tell u the same thing in Russian letters. Russian: Люди, ом, вы находитесь на АНГЛИЙСКОМ СЕКЦИИ. (Google translate)
  2. Dante

    Christmas event gone wrong

    I'm not even gonna bother translating anymore. If u don't wanna translate to to english on the english section then that' ur issue not ours.
  3. Dante

    Classic I RedAlert

    Lol no clue I think thisbisnthere way of trolling I guess. Kinda stupid an ineffective really
  4. Dante

    Christmas event gone wrong

    lmao u got something against non-russians?
  5. Dante

    Classic I RedAlert

    at this point dude ur making yourself look foolish...you can honestly stop at anytime...just for your own good.
  6. Dante

    Classic I RedAlert

    mothers? so...you're more then one person? xD I love how people try to trash talk then they end up making themselves look retarded.
  7. Dante

    Classic I RedAlert

    lol then google translate needs to get their shit together cuz thats where i did the translation All the same why is dude replying in Russian on the English section xD i cant read a word of it all hes doing is wasting his time.
  8. Dante


    These are two of the biggest ones that need translated
  9. Dante


    The town names when you teleport needs to be translated aswell
  10. Dante

    Classic I RedAlert

    You do realize you're on the English forum right...? And what u said makes no sense cuz it translates to: "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IN TATARKS" and "I HEAR 17 YEARS OF SLEEPING ON THE MODEL I ACCESS YOUR OXYGEN WITH A CROSSROAD" which means absolutely nothing....
  11. Dante

    Classic I RedAlert

    Hello everyone we are RedAlert! We are a new English speaking faction our recruitment is open for everyone who speaks English weather its native or just secondary. Right now we are equipped to take on most functions in the game but stronger players are encouraged to join. We are helpful and...
  12. Dante

    Classic I Selyum

    Selyum has now currently RedAlert. RedAlert is an English speaking active and helpful faction. Please look us up if you are looking for a friendly faction. i will make a new thread for that factions promotion.