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PWOnline 1.3.6+
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Результаты поиска

  1. luciferandar

    Classic I Colony

    You can message me, Dunklheit
  2. luciferandar

    Is paypal gone?

    Ok, so we can still send through paypal like before.
  3. luciferandar

    Classic I Colony

    We are a new guild on server. We use English in guild chat, for all the English speakers who want to play on server. We accept everyone. Contact in-game for invite: Oortjies, Basaap, BadBeast, Raya, Dunklheit, Sanyi
  4. luciferandar

    Guild Logos

    Do we message you with the logo we want to upload, or is there a thread that we need to upload logo to? I did not see an area to upload image for guilds.
  5. luciferandar

    Shop item description

    I just check all catshops too, I don't think there are any programs that will translate in game.
  6. luciferandar

    Is paypal gone?

    I was looking though donation options, noticed paypal is gone.
  7. luciferandar

    Classic I Origin

    Is this guild still around? I am in need of an English speaking guild. I have tried other guilds, but it is hard to have a conversation, let alone find help.
  8. luciferandar

    Site will not let me log in.

    I cannot log in on site, every time I try, a red box pops up in the corner of the screen. Have no clue what it says, as it is in Russian, although I have language set to English.
  9. luciferandar

