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PWOnline 1.3.6+
Статус: Онлайн
Игроков в сети: ~
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  • 🧡Регистрация новых пользователей на форуме включена. Ждём вас!


  1. C

    Translation of game and Forum

    My friends and I have recently discovered this private server and really enjoy playing on this older version. There are some sections inside the game that have not been translated yet from russian yet that is giving us some trouble. Would you like us to maybe assist by sending screenshots to...
  2. I

    Classic I Origin

    Origin is guild for players who can speak English. Now our activity become less then before (about 10 active players), but we will be glad to everyone, especially if you'll decide to stay wit us for a long time. We can help you with the adaptation to the server, leveling(help with quests, culti...
  3. Syn

    Classic I Origin

    Previously Rednecks, we decided to make a new guild because we weren't very fond of the name and we had old inactive players & russian alts who provided nothing to the guild. We wanted to make something we could be proud of, so this was our decision by popular vote among our active members...
  4. T

    Classic I Selyum

    Hi Everyone! We are Selyum and we are looking for new members to come join us for all kinds of fun! We come from different time zones but we have a lot of fun together. We do dailies, TT, quests and BH's every day! In the future we plan on doing TW! COME JOIN IN THE FUN! Pm December...